PlatformUptake.eu: Assessing the State of the Art of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain
The project delivered an inventory of the state of the art seeking to analyze the use of open service platforms in the active and healthy ageing (AHA) domain. It achieved this goal, by caring out an in-depth evaluation of eight main solutions from the field, like UniversAAL, FIWARE and ActivAGE. To measure their impacts and enhance their uptake, the project presented a methodology for monitoring open platform development, adoption and spread across Europe. It also listed key factors that determine success or hindrance in their uptake by the end-user groups, and the evolution of their ecosystems and stakeholder networks.
At the beginning of the process of ecosystem mapping 48 platforms were identified and selected. These platforms and related projects were chosen based upon their gained expertise in the field. Later on, this initial group was reduced to eighteen. The exclusion criteria included factors such as low impact on the development of AAL / AHA technologies or completion of the project activates ten years ago or more. Others were excluded due to the fact that they aimed at specific solutions, either by type of pathology or by end user. Consequently the list of 18 platforms was narrowed down to a group of 8 main platforms. Their business, technical and contextual dimensions were subject to a comprehensive analysis by the consortium. Some of platforms’ representatives participated actively in the knowledge exchange with PlatformUptake.eu and contributed to the validation of the ongoing project’s results.

Media 1: Ecosystem mapping
Key Performance Indicators
In order to analyse and evaluate the interoperability, existing synergies and cost benefit of the selected platforms a set of strategic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) had to be established. The definition, clustering and prioritization of the KPIs has been carried out according to the four main stakeholder groups of the project with a focus on their needs, expectations and requirements. The final list was established based on the consortium partners’ assessment.
- Primary End-Users (older persons, assisted persons, caregivers)
- Technology Providers (incl. platform developers, 3rd party developers, etc.),
- End-User Customers (or ‘Secondary End-Users’ such as healthcare providers, social and wellbeing organizations, etc.)
- Governments (authorities, policy makers)
Some of these initially identified KPIs, among others, are Usability, User experience, Scalability and Modularity. These are particularly relevant for the technology developers as the main beneficiaries of the platform. The KPIs can serve as a reference for current and future platforms focusing on Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), social care and health care to understand what is important to each of the relevant stakeholders and to inform on the related factors that need to be addressed to ensure a successful uptake.
Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology
Based on the collected KPIs but also the outputs from the three dimensions of analysis, PlatformUptake.eu. established a methodology for monitoring and evaluating the uptake and other success indicators of existing platforms in AHA and AAL domains. This methodology allowed the measurement of the KPIs and will enable the general monitoring and evaluation of open service platforms. It also provides a solid and complete tool, covering more than 50 questions around the technical, business and contextual dimensions of open service platforms. Moreover, it aims to be user-friendly, applicable and to support and collect, in a simple way, the necessary angles and indicators needed for the monitoring and evaluation of the uptake and success of open platforms. The quantity of questions and the various backgrounds of the stakeholders involved ensures that this evaluation methodology provides a comprehensive overview, that can also be used for other open platform domains.

Media 2: Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology
Monitoring and Evaluation tools
The outlined methodology constitutes the basis for the creation and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation tools that will be integrated into the PlatformUptake.eu Open Information Hub and made accessible for the relevant stakeholder groups in the field.
The tool equips platform providers with meaningful information that allows them to monitor and compare platforms, get a rapid evaluation of their status as well as an in-depth self-evaluation of their own platform. Furthermore, it is an easy-to-use and self-explanatory tool that supports platform owners to evaluate the technology uptake by different user groups, monitor the development of solutions based on their service, measure economic benefits and potential impact on the ageing society and to identify the strong and weak points of their platform. Overall, it offers users the ability to identify the competitive advantages and limitations of their platforms in various areas and through various methods.
The tool for technology developers allows for evaluation and comparison of the available platforms, which could serve as the basis for the development of a solution in the Active and Healthy Ageing / Active and Assisted Living (AHA / AAL) domains, across key metrics and different time periods. It also provides tailored recommendations for platforms according to the technology developers’ expectations and priorities.
Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) domain, open service platforms, success factors, uptake, evolution, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology, Monitoring and Evaluation tools