iProcureSecurity PCP: Pre-Commerical Procurement (PCP) for Innovate Triage Management Systems
The preceding iProcureSecurity Coordination and Support Action (CSA) identified current capability gaps and innovation needs of the EMS Ecosystem in Europe and created a pan-European network of practitioners engaged in knowledge exchange to enhance their capabilities and steer harmonization throughout the EU. To address some of these gaps, the iProcureSecurity pre-commercial procurement (PCP) project has been launched, focusing on Innovative Triage Management Systems
A new consortium of 12 leading research organizations, government bodies and emergency medical service practitioners, has been established to procure solutions that improve triage scenarios through a flexible triage management system. Furthermore, the consortium will be supported by an advisory and experts board that will provide additional expertise. Overall, the procurers are responsible for the pre-hospital care of over 40 million people.
The three-year European Union funded project will see potential suppliers (well established industry players as well as start-ups are welcome to participate) going through a three-step process outlined in the PCP communication and associated staff working document to determine the best possible solution for emergency medical services practitioners. The processes are outlined below and further information can be found in the attached links as well as the project’s website.
To achieve a solid basis for the large-scale procurement of iProcureSecurity’s triage solutions, impacts must be analysed, quantified and modelled to understand how and under which conditions the new systems and the services in which they are embedded can deliver what they promise. Throughout the project and particularly during the pilots, the consortium will collect empirical evidence by different means and from different sources to achieve these goals. The purpose of the evaluation in this context is twofold:
- To support evidence-based decision-making for first responders as well as policy makers in the iProcureSecurity PCP countries and regions when it comes to large-scale procurement after the immediate project duration,
- To contribute to a European and global evidence-based decision-making for procurement of iProcureSecurity PCP systems in further interested regions.
Technology Providers & Suppliers
For technology and solution providers, especially SMEs, a PCP creates the unique opportunity to partner with a launching customer which expands their market competitiveness and brand visibility, but also supports their long-term business planning. In addition, the ongoing collaboration within the project provides an ideal opportunity for liaison activities between industry partners and buyer organisations, which further strengthens and homogenises the market for crisis management-related technologies. We encourage technology providers to visit the project’s website for further information.
The technical platforms established during the PCP will impact the efficiency and reliability of the triage process by providing the technical means to document the outcome of the initial primary triage and additional triage steps, which the treatment victims receive on site, up to the transportation to the hospital, to create a detailed, continuous digital triage documentation for every victim on site, without disruptions. This diminishes the administrative effort for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel and allows them to focus on their prime responsibilities. In addition, it reduces the potential error rate of manually transcribing information to a digital system, and by continuously maintaining a digital record which documents any procedures or treatments on site. As well, a consistent documentation basis is available to optimise the handover for transportation and hospital care.
The solution shall contribute to:
- Digitalization: Boosting the degree of digitalization in EMS
- Interoperability: Dramatically improving interoperability between emergency services nationally but also across the border
- Consolidating management overview: A drastically new experience for decision makers in and out of the field
- Reducing re-triage: Continuously monitoring a victim’s condition and raising an alert in case human intervention is necessary
Overall, the iProcureSecurity PCP project brings together 12 partners from 6 countries who will integrate their expertise in a variety of disciplines as part of the project’s multi-disciplinary approach. The consortium consists of: SYNYO (Austria), ANDALUSIAN PUBLIC COMPANY FOR HEALTH EMERGENCIES (Spain), SERVICIO MADRILEÑO DE SALUD (Spain), AUSTRIAN RED CROSS (Austria), AREU (Italy), ASL BN (Italy), HRC (Greece), EKAB (Greece), IZMIR MUNICIPALITY (Turkey), AMBULANCE AND EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION (Turkey), KEMEA (Greece) and EMPIRICA (Germany).
“The preceding iProcure Security Coordination and Support Action has uncovered the need for better Triage Management Systems to strengthen the resilience and interoperability of Emergency Medical Services in the European Union and Associated Countries. The consortium combines a wealth of expertise and is excited to partner with technology providers & suppliers to deliver a tailor-made prototype along the guidelines of the European Commission for the Pre-commercial Procurement. The overall goal is to drive innovation and ensure sustainable high quality public services.” – Project Coordinator
Emergency Medical Services, EMS practitioners, capability gaps, innovation procurement, triage, interoperability.