GEAR@SME: Validation and testing of GEAR@SME methodology being conducted in four countries
There is a high potential for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to save energy. SMEs, however, experience barriers that prevent them from effectively undergoing energy audits and implementing energy-saving measures. There is a gap between SMEs and suppliers of energy services toward SMEs. This gap could be bridged by a so-called local “Trusted Partner” implementing an innovative GEAR@SME methodology. The GEAR@SME methodology is being tested and validated in four countries: Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and Romania.
The GEAR@SME research- and innovation project runs from September 2020 until February 2023 and aims to substantiate the role of a local Trusted Partner. The Trusted Partner in each use case is supported by the GEAR@SME methodology, which aims to catalyse the implementation of energy efficiency measures by taking a local, collective approach based on multiple benefits, tailored to the specific locality.
The ongoing use cases are:
Use Case 1: Platform Ondernemend Meierijstad, Netherlands
The trusted partner for the Dutch use case is POM, Platform Ondernemend Meierijstad. They are supporting the SMEs by performing the collective purchase of energy on the fixed and variable energy market. They also provide administrative services and track the developments in the energy market to keep the SME updated on any changes. Additionally, POM provides collective waste management in which the SME pays per kg of waste. By monitoring the waste and tonnage, they give insights into the unnecessary waste of resources.
The GEAR@SME partner CCS energy consultancy Netherlands is supporting POM in reaching SMEs to inform and motivate them to improve their energy efficiency by sharing knowledge and experience with POM so it can perform energy scans and give SMEs the tools to create energy efficiency reports.
Use Case 2: Berlin Adlershof Science City, Germany, Berlin
Technology Adlershof is a Science and Technology Park located in Berlin. The Trusted partner WISTA Management GmbH facilitates contacts with SMEs and potential multipliers. GEAR@SME partner Berliner Energieagentur (BEA) offers workshops and training on climate neutrality, energy efficiency, carbon footprints, mobility, photovoltaics and funding opportunities. SMEs can request a free “energy scan” to get an overview of the situation of their energy use and supply. For more in-depth analysis (e. g., energy audits), the BEA provides contacts to energy service providers. BEA also facilitates networking between SMEs to enable the exchange of knowledge and experiences.
Use Case 3: Roveri industrial district, Italy, Bologna
The Trusted partner Confindustria Emilia is a composition of enterprises existing and operating in the Roveri area. The role of the Italian GEAR@SME partners CertiMaC, National Agency for Energy Efficiency ENEA and CNA Ravenna is to assist the Trusted Partner in organising and managing training, provide best practices, provide training to the Trusted Partners and Energy Service Suppliers on tools and non-energy multiple benefits, support the Trusted Partner in doing energy scans, develop tools to support TP/SMEs in managing energy efficiency projects, including collective ones. ENEA provides with the TP with training and information on public/private funding.
Use Case 4: Oradea Industrial Platforms, Romania, Oradea.
Servelect SRL and Technical University Cluj-Napoca (TUCN) are the GEAR@SME partners involved in the Romanian use case. Servelect SRL works with the Trusted Partner Oradea Local Development Agency ADLO and with the SMEs involved in the use cases to generate support activities to create a proper energy collective context. TUCN will deal with the multiplication of the GEAR@SME methodology within the use case by organizing national events in which best practices will be disseminated. Romanian GEAR@SME partners are also conducting a preliminary energy scan procedure that will be applied to each SME. This individual approach will constitute the triggering element in building future energy collectively.
energy efficiency, SME, energy collectives, trusted partners, cases